Physical property and spinning test result of apron used in cotton and chemical filament fiber are analyzed, and the cause of bad spinnability is pointed out. 分析了纯棉用胶圈、化纤用胶圈胶料的物理性能及在不同品种上的纺纱试验结果,指出了现有胶圈适纺性差的原因。
The result shows that the physical property of test specimen without the case is more similar to that of the generally artificial stone if the proportion of coarse water quenched slag is high. 研究结果显示,粗水淬熔岩比例较多时所制成无胶壳试体之物理性质较接近一般人造石之物理性质;
The result of physical property test on the coated seed processed with different proportioning of the coating materials show that treatment 6 and treatment 2 were the best with regards to uniformity, dissolvable capability, luster of the coated seed. 结果表明,处理6和处理2的种子在均匀度、裂解度、光泽度等方面均优于其它处理。
This paper introduces mineralogical compositions, physical and chemical properties of Australian MAC ore fines. Based on sintering test and metallurgical property test of sinter made from MAC fines, appropriate ore matching conditions and sintering parameters have been determined. 对澳大利亚MAC粉矿进行了矿物相和理化性能分析,并研究了其烧结性能和烧结矿的冶金性能,确定了适宜的配矿条件和工艺参数。
The Thermal Physical Property Test of Insulating Materials Using Quasi-steady-state Method 绝热保温材料热物性的准稳态法测试
This paper researches the physical property and chemical constituent of fly ash in Jiulong waste-burning power plant, carries out test and analysis on the strength of high additive fly ash concrete, and proposes the new way of its application in underground workings support. 深入研究了九龙矸石电厂粉煤灰的物理性质及其化学成分,并对高掺量粉煤灰混凝土强度进行了试验分析,得出了高掺量粉煤灰混凝土技术在井下巷道支护的新途径。
Based on the study of the physical and chemical property of char particles in fly coal ash, the paper has expounded the basic principle governing wet separation of char particles from fly coal ash and presented the results achieved from single test, orthogonal test and classified flotation test 在粉煤灰炭粒理化性质研究的基础上,论述了粉煤灰湿法选炭的基本原理,给出了单元浮选试验、正交试验和分级浮选试验结果
At last, this paper uses collected materials of drill core physical property analysis, lithify, test, indication to analyse the result of the log interpretation. 最后利用收集到的岩心物性分析资料,分析化验资料、测试、钻井显示资料对解释结果进行效果分析。
The results based on infrared spectrum analysis and physical property test show that the drying temperature of CNR should be controlled less than 100 ℃. 红外光谱分析以及物理性能测试结果表明,胶乳法CNR物料的干燥温度应控制在100℃以下。
Physical property test of machine pick up cotton and compare to manual pick up cotton is done. 对机采棉进行了物理性能测试,并与人工采棉进行了比较。
Physical property test system and performance test method of disc type brake shoe lining are expounded according to working principle of disc type brake and requirements of disc type brake shoe lining property. 根据盘式制动器的工作原理及对盘式制动片的性能要求,阐述了盘式制动片的物理性能检测体系及盘式制动片性能的测试方法;
The paper discusses the weaving technology, physical property finger, test result, calender about re-weaving polyamide fibre-66 dipping tire bead cloth and production technology of tire. 介绍再纺锦纶-66浸胶子口布纺丝工艺、物理指标、再纺子口布的测试结果,压延及轮胎生产工艺情况。
The method for measuring and calculating the powder fluidity index by means of powder physical property test set was presented. 介绍了使用粉体物性测试仪测量、计算粉体流动性指数的方法。
Jurassic in Yanqi Basin was characterized by closing to sediment source low permeability reservoir, low compositional maturity and structural maturity, high content of clay mineral and poor physical property. The sensitivity test showed that reservoir was of strong warter sensitivity. 焉耆盆地侏罗系具近物源沉积特点,储层成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,粘土矿物含量高,物性较差,属低渗透储层。
Physical property of American cotton was analyzed through test, American cotton fiber has good maturity, and the impurities were easy to excluded, so the yarn defects were obvious reduced. 通过试验分析了美棉的物理性能,美棉纤维成熟度好,纺纱过程中杂质易排除,因而成纱疵点明显减少;
By means of physical property test of the cement paste as well as XRD and SEM, the effects of coal gangue with different proportions in cement on the hydraulic properties of hardened cement paste had been studied. 通过对硬化水泥浆体物理力学性能的检测,结合XRD和SEM分析,研究了不同掺量的煤矸石对硬化水泥浆体水化性能的影响。
The entirely decomposed granite's road engineering property is studied by physical mechanic property test. 通过基本物理力学性质试验分析K0+000~K33+100区间沿线全风化花岗岩的基本路用特性。
The present situation and several trends of thermal insulating materials are analyzed. The Thermal Physical Property Test of Insulating Materials Using Quasi-steady-state Method 文章在简要介绍我国绝热保温材料的发展现状的基础上,综合分析了我国绝热保温材料未来发展的几种主要趋势。绝热保温材料热物性的准稳态法测试
It is firstly suggested that based on practical experience in investigation, we estimate accurately its physical mechanic property and bearing capacity of foundation further combining load test and dynamic sounding or standard penetration test. 首次提出采用荷载试验及动力触探或标准贯入试验相结合,并结合在勘察工作中的实际经验,来准确评价风化红层的物理力学性质,进而准确的评价其地基承载力。
In addition, the determination of physical and chemical property of the viruses by using tracheal ring culture, virulence measurement and virus neutralization test were applied too. 用动物回归和免疫保护试验进行了毒株的致病性研究,用气管环组织培养对病毒进行理化特征测定、毒价测定与中和试验。
In the physical property test experiment, it shows the existence of MCA particle just influenced the physical property a little. 而材料的物性测试表明,MCA纳米粒子的存在对其力学性质影响较小。